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Beets - Everything You Need To Know



  Everything You Need To Know


Beets - Everything You Need To Know
Keto Meals

   Toda’s clean and delicious, we are covering bead. Now beads come in a variety of different colors, you'll see white beets, golden beets, red beets, and candy beets.

   But red beets do tend to be the most popular, and the most readily available.

   So that's what I'm going to stick today, now you'll pretty much see beets at the grocery store all year round but they're prime time is between June and October, and remember when you buy things at the peak of their season not only do they taste better.

   But they have more nutrients and they are lower in costs. So eating with the seasons is definitely the way to go. When you're shopping for beets you want to look for beets that still have their greens attached:

   Number one the greens are completely edible super delicious extremely nutritious and really it's like getting two veggies for the price of one.

   Number two if the greens are still attached you know you've got yourself some fresh healthy beets.

   Now on On the flip side if you can't find them with the greens then what you do want to make sure is that your beet still has it's tail intact and that the root is nice, firm, and rich in color.

   If you've never tried beets before they have a very natural earthy-sweet flavor to them and nutritionally speaking they are packed with antioxidants vitamins and minerals they are actually very high in vitamin C they have magnesium potassium folic acid and they're said to be a blood purifier.

   Now as for the size they can range anywhere between the size of a golf ball all the way to a softball, but personally speaking I wouldn't buy anything bigger than say a baseball, because what I find is when they start

to get really big they also tend to lose their flavor so small to medium beets are the way to go.

   When you're shopping for your beets, here's what you need to know all beets have a root that's the bottom of the bulb and the leaves ideally if you can find your beets with the leaves still attached to the root this is a very good thing.

   Number one the leaves are edible they're super delicious extremely nutritious so it's like getting two veggies for one.

   Number two when they're still attached you know that your beat is very fresh and healthy.

   On the flip side if you can't find the beat route with the leaves still attached no problem just make sure that it still has its tail intact, and that the root end is nice, smooth, and rich in color.

  Once you get your beats home and you're ready to store the first thing you need to do if the greens are still attached you want to cut them off about an inch up from the bulb. If you leave the greens attached what they do is they suck all the nutrients out of the beet bulb and the beets are going to go bad really fast same with your carrots.

    So as soon as you get them home boom get those greens off now remember you don't want to throw the greens away because they're completely edible, and you can check out this article right over here.

   If you want to learn how to do a quick saute of your beet greens delicious nutritious you should definitely try that then what you're going to do is get the greens I mean get the bulb into a plastic bag the one you get from the grocery store is perfect.

   Get all of the air out wrap it up to pop it in the fridge the bulb will last up to three weeks do the same thing with the greens.

   Now once you're ready to work with your beets all you have to do is to give them a good scrub under some cold water, and they're ready to go. Beets are actually pretty easy to work with, you can eat them both raw or cooked as far as cooking they like to be baked roasted, and steamed and you do want to remember.

   Keep that tail intact and preferably about an inch of the stem because what that does is locks in the nutrients, and it keeps the beets nice, and juicy last tip when cooking the beets.

   I highly recommend that you peel your beets after they're cooked because it is a lot easier and a lot less messy. Now buyer beware red beets stain they will stain your fingers they will stay in your clothes they will stain your beloved wood cutting board.

   So when you're working with them raw or cooked pick a plastic cutting board that you don't mind having a little bit of red beet juice stained upon it.

   One of my personal clean and delicious My favorite ways to cook up my beets is to pop them whole into a steamer basket let them steam for about 30 minutes or until they're fork-tender then when they're cool enough to hold just to grab a paper towel or a towel that you don't mind staining and rub the skins right off.

   Give them a quick chop toss them with two teaspoons of your favorite vinegar one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil kiss a salt kiss of pepper then you can leave these in an airtight container in your fridge, and use them as a head-start ingredient all week long.

   So that you know what to do with beets get in your kitchens and come up with some clean and delicious beet recipes of your very own, and make sure you come back here, and let me know what's cooking thanks so much for reading.



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